The Internet is full of all kinds of great information, resources, marketing tips, tools and so on. It can also be a great source to help you put together your web site’s content, as you can find many industry related articles that are free to be republished, usually provided that you attribute the author to the content.
We often distribute articles to various industry news and information sources and find that those articles are republished on many additional sites. This is good as it gets our articles out to a much larger audience, and each contains a link back to our site so the readers know who wrote it and can then find out more about us.
There are, however, some lower forms of content republishing that occurs online, everything from outright theft from your website to republishing pieces from various forms of free content as a means to create search engine rich, but otherwise useless, pages.
I found another form of this content pilfering this morning (and it wasn’t the first time I found something like this on this particular website). What they have done is taken one of our press releases, which is free for anybody to republish, and ran it through a program that rewords it and spits out a completely “new” version of the press release.

Here is the reworked version of the content:
CodeMonitor is a helpful tool for all web masters, search engine marketers, and search engine optimisation owners. It is used to monitor, modify or track changes done in a webpage either by the web marketer, programmer, client or a competitor. It does the monitoring on a daily basis side-by-side its code comparison.
Stoney deGeyter, company president of Pole Position Marketing (maker of the CodeMonitor tool) said that there are times when changes made to a Website create farthest influence in the marketing campaign, which leadingly can either be productive or the other way.
Anybody can use CodeMonitor. It even permits web professionals to dwell surpassingly the latest changes to their websites.
deGeyter further stated that CodeMonitor is essential for all webmasters, SEO clients, SEOs, PPC account managers, web marketers and business competitors to be given notice if there were changes done to any Website under oversight. “CodeMonitor allows notifies you within 24 – hours of such changes occurring”, deGeyter said. “It is a very smart programme. It makes it easy to see what changes are being made to your site—for both good and for bad.”
The programme operates by grasping a snapshot of the HTML on user specified Web pages. After which it goes back and examine similarities or differences of the recent code to a prior saved version on a daily basis. If after comparing the two versions show differences, the user will automatically receive an e-mail.
CodeMonitor permits users to hold and not let get off-track of the Website of a competitor. This allows the user to know what are the changes done and performed as they aim for better competition toward certain search engine rankings and higher conversion rates.
The tool further permits its users to block out the parts of the Web page that are made up-to-date automatically. Through an exclusion comment tag being inserted, users can even ignore the content like RSS, news feeds, rotating ads or current dates that are scheduled regularly.
With these features, CodeMonitor is one tool that people in the ecommerce business must have to improve returns and increase profits.
My only response was, “Huh?”. Okay, it kind of made sense in a one-week-out-of-an-English-as-a-Second-Language-class sort of way. I especially like the quotes attributed to me:
“CodeMonitor allows notifies you within 24 – hours of such changes occurring”, deGeyter said. “It is a very smart programme. It makes it easy to see what changes are being made to your site—for both good and for bad.”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure I never said that. Here is the content of the initial press release:
Pole Position Marketing (, a leading provider of Internet marketing strategies and website promotion, has unveiled an innovative online tool that alerts users whenever changes occur to a website.
Available as a free-to-use tool, CodeMonitor allows web professionals to stay on top of the latest modifications to their website(s)—even unwanted developments—soon after they occur.
“CodeMonitor is an essential tool for webmasters, SEOs, SEMs and site owners to be notified of changes made to any website under their oversight,” said Stoney deGeyter, company president. “Sometimes a change is made to a website that can ultimately affect the marketing campaign. CodeMonitor allows you to be notified within 24-hours of such changes occurring.”
With webmasters, clients, web marketers, PPC account managers, and countless others in charge of a single website, there is a growing need for this type of online tool, as it is able to keep users up-to-date and informed of important website changes.
By taking a snapshot of the HTML on user-specified web pages, CodeMonitor is able to go back and compare recent code to a previously saved version on a daily basis.
When the two versions show differences, an email is automatically sent to the user. After logging into the CodeMonitor account, the user can view a side-by-side HTML comparison with differences between the saved version and the live version highlighted.
CodeMonitor also lets users block out portions of a web page which are automatically updated. By inserting an exclusion comment tag, users can ignore regularly scheduled content like RSS, news fees, current date or rotating ads.
“It’s a very clever program,” said deGeyter, “it makes it easy to see what changes are being made to your site—for both good and for bad.”
In addition, CodeMonitor allows users to keep track of a competitor’s website to see what changes they are implementing as they compete for better search engine rankings and higher conversion rates.
Especially attractive for SEO and SEM specialists, CodeMonitor has the ability to monitor and notify subscribers of site changes made by clients—changes which could potentially affect a website’s optimization. CodeMonitor can be accessed for free at:
POLE POSITION MARKETING is a search engine marketing firm specializing in search engine optimization (SEO). The firm customizes their services to each client to define targeted keywords and improve the company’s rankings for each of those keywords in order to drive targeted traffic to their website. The ultimate goal of these optimization strategies is to increase web-based sales and maximize the company’s return on investment. Pole Position Marketing has been a leader in web promotion strategies since 1998 and has clients worldwide.
You’ll notice how the real press release directs readers to the actual tool that it is announcing. Novel concept, but the regurgitated version contains no links to either our main site OR the tool. Nor do they reprint the “About Pole Position Marketing” information.
So what good is this information on this site? Not much really. I’m sure it’s not meant for human consumption, but just to give the search engines junk fodder to help them “build” their site. These guys are supposedly search engine marketers, too. Shameless.
Well, I’ll be off contacting them to remove this information. Like I said, it’s not the first time I’ve had to do this with this particular company. Let’s see if we can make it the last.
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