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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Boost Inbound Leads with ‘Accelerate Your B.L.O.G.’ Seminar

2012 B.L.O.G. Seminar for Canton, Akron, Cleveland and Northeast OhioPole Position Marketing is on a quest! In partnership with the Canton/Stark Convention and Visitors’ Bureau and the Pro Football Hall of Fame, we want to help Northeast Ohio businesses and non-profits get on the fast track with one of today’s most valuable inbound marketing tools – the blog.

On Wednesday, September 12, Stoney deGeyter and the Pole Position Marketing Pit Crew will continue their Web Marketing Driver’s Ed series with Accelerate Your B.L.O.G., a full-day seminar designed for organizations that want to set up and manage a blog that generates leads over the long haul. The symposium will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Hall of Fame’s new, state-of-the-art event center.

This seminar is ideal for small business owners, digital communication managers, corporate and agency PR and marketing pros, and social media coordinators!

Full-day Seminar to Include Four Sessions

As with our past inbound marketing courses, we’ve created four individual training modules, each on various aspects of blogging. Attend just the ones you need or learn from all of them!

Beginning Your Blogging Journey
8:45 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Learn how to set up your blog, identify specific customer characteristics and needs, and do effective keyword research
Facilitator: Stoney deGeyter, Lead SEO, CEO & All Around Nice Guy

Pole Position Marketing Web Marketing Driver's Ed Series

Laying the Foundation for Success
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Identify blogging topics, plan your editorial calendar, create great content and socialize it
Facilitator: Jen Carroll, Social Media, Content Marketing Strategist & Chief Word Nerd

Options for Measuring Progress
12 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Find out if your blogging is effective using today’s latest analytics tools
Facilitator: Mike Fleming, Analytics, PPC Strategist & Employee of Every Month

oing the Extra Mile
1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Discover why link building is so important, how to identify link opportunities and ways to promote your blog and its content
Facilitators: Annalisa Hilliard, Local SEO, Link Strategist & Supernatural Wunderkind; Jen Carroll

Free Bonus Session
Business Leadership by the Book: Love Works
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Learn ways to lead using Biblical principles and a Christ-like example
Facilitator: Speaker: Jim Roberts, CCMFT, CCPC, CCLC, Founder of Soul Care Center


Seminar Pricing, Discounts and HOF Tours

Each training module is priced at $45 per session ($35 per session if reservation is made by Wednesday, August 22). Lunch is included with the purchase of any session.

Early Bird Pricing on Full-day Ticket
If you register for the full-day seminar by August 22, get the Early Bird price of just $99! After August 22, the full-day ticket price will be $135. Lunch is included, and all full-day attendees can take a self-guided tour the Hall of Fame after the seminar concludes (a $31-dollar value)!

Best Deal for Northeast Ohio CVB Partners, Canton Regional & Jackson-Belden Chambers of Commerce
For any partner of a Convention & Visitors’ Bureau in Northeast Ohio, or any member in good standing with the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce or Jackson-Belden Chamber of Commerce, the full-day seminar price (if registered by August 22) is just $75! After August 22, full-day ticket price goes up to $105. Lunch and a self-guided Hall of Fame tour included!

Seating is limited, so sign up today!

Canton/Stark Convention & Visitors' Bureau

Why Blog?

According to a March 2010 eMarketer.com report, 53% of U.S. Internet users rely on blogs to find information that helps them make purchasing decisions. A study by Hubspot, a leading authority on inbound marketing and its metrics, shows that

  • B2B companies that blog get 67% more leads/month
  • B2C companies that blog get 88% more leads/month
  • Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors

Yet, even though blogs are so valuable to online marketing, many experts estimate the vast majority of them end up abandoned. Accelerate Your B.L.O.G. can provide you with the tools you need to keep your blog going!

Why a Pole Position Marketing Seminar?

Stoney deGeyter, Pole Position Marketing president, will be the featured speaker at the Accelerate Your B.L.O.G. seminar. Stoney has been blogging since 1998, when he established Pole Position Marketing, a leading inbound marketing agency located in North Canton, Ohio. In addition to regular training events for businesses in Northeast Ohio, Stoney frequently speaks at conferences nationwide, including PubCon, SES and SMX. He’s also trained bloggers for L’Oréal and was a featured speaker for the Cleveland chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

Stoney’s articles about SEO, website architecture, usability and business development have been published on Search Engine Guide, Search Engine Land, Web Pro News, Search Engine Journal and Visibility Magazine. He’s also the main contributor at Pole Position Marketing’s E-Marketing Performance blog.

Other experienced Pit Crew members and seminar speakers will include:

  • Mike Fleming, who specializes in web analytics and paid search for Pole Position Marketing. A regular contributor to the E-Marketing Performance blog, his articles are also featured on Search Engine Guide.
  • Jen Carroll, a professional business writer and editor since 2001 and Pole Position Marketing’s content marketing and social media strategist. She manages several client blogs and also contributes to E-Marketing Performance. You’ll also find her articles on Search Engine Journal.
  • Annalisa Hilliard, Pole Position Marketing’s link-building strategist. She works closely with bloggers and media in a variety of industries in order to help client websites rank.

In 2012, Pole Position Marketing received the Company Spotlight Award for small business from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Cleveland chapter during its annual Reach for the Top event. The award recognizes organizations in Northeast Ohio that demonstrate excellence in communication, support of the local economy and strong community involvement.

Image credit: nasirkhan / 123RF Stock Photo

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