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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Preparing for Life After Google Reader’s Demise

woman in mourningOur trusty old pal Google Reader’s July 1st demise is ever upon us. While many are in mourning, to be honest, I was never really a huge Google Reader fan to begin with. Did I just lose points on my geek card?  In fact, I preferred to receive many of my RSS feeds by email (gasp!). That is, until the tech world was shaken by the news of Google Reader’s impending death, and I started looking at other options.

Enter stage right, Feedly. Did you hear the angels singing? I’m in love. I love Feedly on my PC. I love Feedly on my Mac. I love Feedly on my phone. I love Feedly on my iPad. I love Feedly while taking long walks along the beach…well, maybe that was taking it a little too far.

Why do I love Feedly so much? The visual interface. For some reason it’s not as daunting and sterile as the long list of blog post titles staring me in the face in my Google Reader. I like the pretty pictures and it looks pretty across all of my devices.  I find that I actually check my RSS feed more often now. 

Not everyone loves Feedly though; different strokes for different folks. Others in our office are trying out alternative readers. Annalisa is currently testing out NewsBlur, but isn’t convinced she’ll stay with it yet. Mike has also switched to NewsBlur after this recommendation on Search Engine Land and is sticking with it.  Stoney prefers going old-school with FeedDemon, a Windows-based program.

If you’re still looking for an alternative, you will want to make sure you export your Google Reader data and feeds. Who wants to recreate the wheel? Also, check out Dr. Pete’s series on Moz, where he tested a different RSS reader each week.

Finally, as you transition to something new, please keep us around! Subscribe to the EMP blog through our RSS feed, or if you prefer, subscribe through email

Have you decided on a Google Reader alternative?


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