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Searching for Better On-Site Search Usability

This is part of the Total Usability Series that was originally published in 2007. A decade later, usability is more important than ever, so we are revisiting this series and updating all […]

Thinking Beyond Search In An AI World

This is an answer I contributed to the Monetize article “50 SEO Experts Roundup — Where Should We Focus Our Efforts in 2017.” Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing in the […]

Use Structured Data to Get Found on Local SEO

The use of structured data started long before local search engine optimization became a big deal, but using structured data for natural optimization is far less essential than for the […]

A Simple Overview of Meta Tags

It always amazes me at the number of people I come across who equate SEO with “adding keywords to meta tags.” As if SEO is a bag of magic beans […]

SEO Kung-Fu or SEO F-U?

What makes a good SEO? Is it just about having knowledge of search engine algorithms, being able to tweak code for the biggest ranking impact, or inserting keywords into a […]