Securing Multiple Domains
I mentioned earlier the strategy of securing alternate versions of your domain name to prevent competitors from squeezing in on your branding efforts. This is a good marketing strategy that can be used to capture additional type-in traffic, secure other branding avenues you may wish to pursue, or simply to prevent your competitors from securing them.
When securing multiple domain names be sure to implement proper safeguards and strategies to avoid negative search engine ramifications. This will be covered in more detail later.
Type-In Traffic
Many URLs are purchased simply to capture type in traffic. Type-in traffic is when someone goes to the address bar of their web browser and types in instead of performing a keyword search on a search engine. Securing domain names with a fair amount of type-in traffic can be a great boost to sales. If you sell bean bags, your main URL might be To capture potential type-in traffic you might also secure and redirect the following:
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Laying the Foundation for a Successful Online Business
Securing a Marketing Rich Domain Name Introduction
Build Your Brand
Secure a .com
Don’t Hyphenate
Spell Words Properly