

Lower Head

Should you be promoted?

Sure, you know more than your boss does- who doesn’t? But aren’t you just itching to prove it? Wouldn’t you just love to have something- some piece of irrefutable proof […]

Credentials vs. Character

Many people rely on their credentials to get a job. That’s understandable because that’s what we are taught from the time we start looking for work to the time we […]

Sometimes Motivation Has to be Felt

My daughter recently turned 15 and now that school is out it means it’s time for her to get a job. Unfortunately, despite my threats of cutting off her allowance, […]

Money For Nothin', and the Survey's For Free

Yesterday I raved about Blockbuster’s Total Access UVP (Unique Value Proposition) for their online rental service. After months of suffering from a sub-par system that wasn’t worth a handful of […]

Salary Takers vs. Salary Makers

There are two kinds of people you can have working for you. Those who are there for a job and those who are there for a career. Those that are […]

Successful Team Collaboration

Teamwork. You either have it or you don’t. My son and I were watching a new show the other day called “On the Lot”. It’s a reality show where the […]

Mojo Missing: If Found Please Return

I’ve lost my mojo. Please help me find it. My writing professor used to always tell us not to wait for inspiration to start writing. Sometimes that’s hard, especially when […]

How do You Measure up as a Leader?

People typically tend to be either far too hard on themselves or far too easy on themselves. Due to this, it is often much more difficult to evaluate yourself fairly […]